Functional Capacity Evaluations | Maximize Human Capabilities Winnipeg
MHC - Maximize Human Capabilities - Ergonomics - Winnipeg - Manitoba

Our Whole

Person Approach

  • Physical
  • Psychosocial

  • Cognitive
  • Spirituality

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Functional Capacity Evaluations

Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is a comprehensive objective assessment to determine an individual's safe ability for work. Our Occupational Therapists are Matheson Certified Work Capacity Evaluators.

Functional Capacity Evaluations - Maximize Human Capabilities - Occupational Therapy - Winnipeg - Manitoba
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Our therapists utilize a whole person approach when barriers present themselves in order to objectively determine the root problems.

Functional Capacity Evaluation testing includes:

  • Whether an individual provided consistent physical effort and whether their reports of pain and disability are consistent
  • Musculoskeletal screening evaluation
  • Dexterity testing
  • Body mobility and agility testing - e.g. sitting, standing, walking, climbing
  • Lifting, carrying, pushing/pulling
  • Work simulation
  • Detect psychosocial barriers that may be interfering with participation

All assessment are tailored to the specific referral questions and are usually performed over one or two days in Clinical Space at Concordia Physiotherapy Clinic, Winnipeg. The workplace is accessed where the individual performs specific job tasks whenever possible.

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CALLING ALL OT's – our next MAC workshop is a live virtual interactive workshop on October 26 & 27, 2022.
Learn more about MAC Workshops!